Gone Gitmo in Second Life: Oh Brother...

gitmo.jpgGo ahead, call me 'heartless'.

The whole Gitmo routine is really getting boring. But what cracks me up is how the ACLU (sometimes a great organization, sometimes hell incarnate) demands rights for terrorists.

Like the quote from this story:

Gone Gitmo is a Second Life experience of rendition and Camp X-Ray, the now-defunct arrival center at Gitmo, developed as a virtual world companion piece to the documentary Unconstitutional. Gone Gitmo allows SL avatars to experience being hooded, handcuffed, verbally abused and detained.
<Sighs, rolling eyes>

First of all, what the hell does the Unites States Constitution have to do with it?
First, they aren't citizens of the United States, so our constitution does not apply to them. Second, they are enemy combatants, so since when does our court system apply to them? Since when do they have any rights under United States law?

But the American Civil Liberties Union wants to give each a tax-paid lawyer and demand a court trial for each. Pffft. Hello? Those people want to kill you and openly admit that.

Now, I'm not saying they shouldn't have any rights or be treated humanely - Geneva convention and all that. But these are people that want us all dead, now.

And, as far as that goes, being handcuffed and detained is pretty standard fair - for any number of reasons - including simply being drunk in public. Being hooded is supposed to be inhumane treatment or 'torture'? And as for verbal abuse... oh, that's right - there's even a big to-do about 8-year-old kids teasing each other, too.

Fekking bleeding-heart liberals need to wake-up and smell the coffee. These people in Gitmo are terrorists. They want all western peoples either dead or kneeling 50-times a day toward Mecca.

As for the 'experience' in Second Life... I think I'll go take a look. I was in the military... so I wonder how accurate their representation is. The truth is, those prisoners at Gitmo eat better than you, and are likely treated better than you are treated by your own boss on a bad day.

And since they are terrorists, any treatment short of castration or poking eyes out is fine by me and plenty humane as far as I'm concerned.

And they would kill you the very instant they had the chance.

Gone Gitmo: The ACLU In Second Life
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  1. Amanda Martin Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 5:15:00 AM PDT

    Ah, the good old ACLU. ;3 My dad has always had a few choice words to describe them, none of which he could ever say out loud to me.

    I was (in my sheltered life) relatively unaware of the exact details of this whole fiasco, but your post helped refresh my memory. The very idea that they are reaching out to the uninformed masses of SL is nothing short of pitiful...

    Like you said, these are people who would throw acid on me or blow me up if they had a chance. I certainly harbor no love for them, and the idea that they're mistreated is hilarious.

    I consider myself on the fence, but what my dad always said kind of rings true: "a liberal is just a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet". This is just an extreme form of denial that I don't think we'll ever be able to dispel.

    It's no wonder people in other countries think we're absolutely retarded. People grow up here and take the freedoms our military fights for for granted -- and push the notion of free speech and our constitutional rights to the absolute limit. These are not liberties that are awarded to non-citizens, especially non-citizens who WANT TO KILL US.

    *shakes her head* I couldn't agree with you more, love. :( But is there anything to be done (other than reminding my politically-green, young friends that the ACLU is not the puppy-hugging, good-for-all group they seem to think they are)?

  2. R. Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 11:24:00 AM PDT

    "They want all western peoples either dead or kneeling 50-times a day toward Mecca."

    Actually, 5, but otherwise, agreed.