Here come the Feds...

picCorporate R&D, educational classrooms, commercial showrooms, fantasy Gorean swordplay and now... war room. For real life.

Forbes magazine has an interesting article on how the Feds are coming into virtual worlds to... help catch terrorists and other bad guys.

Always fun and fascinating news:

Leave it to the U.S. government to suck the fun out of innovative technology. As the inhabitants of virtual worlds like "Second Life" and "World of Warcraft" fulfill fantasies of flying between islands and fighting armies of blood elves, the feds are looking into using the virtual realm for far more mundane--if more practical--activities: sitting around a conference table, watching PowerPoint presentations and attempting to track down terrorists.
Building The Feds' Virtual War Room -
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  1. Amanda Martin Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 7:06:00 PM PDT

    If the purpose is to serve as a virtual conferencing system, this is totally amazing and I really am excited to hear about it. I just hope they don't harbor any silly notions of catching terrorists in SL.

    Pedophiles, sure :D Go for it. But no terrorists.