How real is *real* ...?

We hear all the time about how real emotions and feeling can be in SL. Oh the drama... it wouldn't really exist if it weren't for those 'real' feelings and emotions. And that's just because of the interaction between people. Yes, some of our avatars can look pretty damned good. But that will change.

Let's face it, our representations in SL are still a bit cartoonist. Even if you have the best kick-ass video and computer hardware and have your WindLight settings cranked to maximum, as good as it all looks, there's still that 'artificial' element in there.

But computer-generated art and graphics are improving all the time. What will happen when the imagery we see on screen become so realistic, so beautiful that it literally mimics real life? Holy shit, I can see everything that happens now - real lives blossoming... and getting hurt - all happening at ten-fold more intensity.

There is a really good article at by Alan Cane that asks "will we be able to tell reality from artificial imagery?" That day is probably not too far off. Computer-generated imagery is already being used in Hollywood movies and so effective at fooling the eye that you likely could never spot it, except for some the impossible feats these characters are accomplishing.

It won't be long before places like Second Life will really be a lot more interesting; compelling than first life. Fasten your seatbelts. folks. It's going to be an interesting ride!

Read the full article here.

Posted at at 10:33 AM on Thursday, January 31, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Actual good advice for 'corporate' Second Life

So, finally,some really good advice on how to bring your company into a virtual world, what to do and how to do it. Yes, I know, there are (by now) dozens of good advice blogs about this. But this one is concise and to the point and offers many external sources. Check it out.

Quote from the site:

Recommended Links - Do better business, virtually: “Regardless, virtual worlds are guaranteed to have widespread business impacts, if for no other reason than that U.S. video game sales soared to $17.9-billion (U.S.) last year,” he said. “That’s a lot of kids spending a lot of time kung-fuing and shooting each other’s avatars. When they eventually enter the business world, the only unusual thing about a virtual trade conference will be the lack of gunfire.”

Posted at at 8:33 AM on by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Wow. Japanese Hotel industry using SL to it’s advantage

Okay, cool.

So Second Life has it all. Including it’s own T.V. channels and news shows (yes, it really does.)

The amazing thing is, there is a hotel chain planning a campaign in Second Life, beginning with T.V. commercials on the virtual T.V. network and rolling on from there.

However, in looking at it, it looks like they might be on to something here.

Solare Hotels and Resorts Implements Japanese Hotel Industry’s
With the goal of establishing 50 locations through Japan by 2010 and to gain recognition for their “Chisun Inn” roadside hotel brand, Solare has begun a campaign using the new communication medium “Second Life.” Because a high ratio of Second Life users are thought to be those who have not had the opportunity to come into contact with this brand, such as young adults and women, who hold the initiative for trip scheduling, a puppy-themed campaign was developed to appeal to this segment

Posted at at 3:10 PM on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Mutiliated Furries, and.. eh - yadda, yadda, yadda

Griefers in SL have been around a long time. I remember when they first started appearing. In face, the worst griefers before these organized groups appeared there othat people simply bumping into you and intentionally pushing you around.

So, unlike the SL Herald tabloid blog, Wired magazine (usually just another useless tabloid, actually) even has an interesting article based on the last large, organized attack of the Patriotic Nigras. I found it to actually be an interesting read. I’ve linked it, just in case you might agree.

Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses: Put the Blame on Griefers,
“We do it for the lulz,” ^ban^ says — for laughs. Asked how some people can find their greatest amusement in pissing off others, ^ban^ gives the question a moment’s thought: “Most of us,” he says finally, with a wry chuckle, “are psychotic.”

Posted at at 3:06 PM on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Your tax dollars hard at work... yeah, right.

How about I compel you to cough up a chunk of change from your pocket, then turn around and give it away to some radio station so they can experiment with running a radio station in Second Life, even though you are already there, experimenting on your own, running and DJ-ing your own radio station?

Well, as is typical, it’s happened.

Your tax dollars are hard at work, working against you… again.

Here’s a cool concept: launch a branded virtual radio station in Second Life.

That’s an idea from WGBH in Boston, and now it has a grant to help. Second Life is an online “virtual world.” WGBH wants to be heard there and is one of several public broadcast entities to receive money for new media initiatives from CPB."

See the full article here:

Posted at at 2:56 PM on by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Are *YOU* the idiot I speak of?

Ever buy something in SL and it doesn’t come? Doesn’t appear in Inventory? What do you do? IM The creator? What is your disposition when you do?

If you are one of the IDIOTS I describe below, this message is for YOU.

Second Life has issues. A lot of them. Linden Lab really needs to get their act together, and I’m not referring to the viewer software that sits and runs on your local machine. Rather it’s the back-end that needs serious work.

Don’t get me wrong, the viewer is usually borked, too. But, that affects people on an individual basis. One hiccup in the back-end (server-side at Linden Lab) can really screw everyone on the grid, whether you’re there, logged-in or not.

So sales are singing along just fine and dandy as usual yesterday. I even make a couple purchases through SL Exchange and OnRez (personally, I prefer the latter and *hate* the former.)

Suddenly, I get an IM about a purchase made from my store… but the product wasn’t delivered.

Now, here’s the part that burns me: being told my vendors are screwed up when I don’t use vendors in my store (only at satellite locations, like mall spaces and affiliates). In other words, you see a sex bed in my store, it’s set to sell a copy. You click the BUY button, you get a copy of it in your inventory. There is no possible way it can’t ‘deliver’. It’s the original, most basic way to sell anything in SL. It always works. It can’t not work.

Well, unless Linden Lab servers are borked.


All day yesterday (12-19-07) - LL had major asset server issues. Even to the point that the grid was shutdown completely with only two-minutes notice. If that’s not an emergency, I don’t know what is.

Anyway - before the shutdown, the asset server issues had been going on for a few hours. Here’s the BLOG entry: Here

If you don’t know, the Asset Server is the server machine(s) and software that keeps track of all objects in SL. That means your house, television, radio, clothes, car, primdick, everything. Even your bed.

Everyone on the grid had trouble rezzing objects, transferring objects, and objects that were placed (rezzed) disappeared into the great black void of nothingness. It was mayhem.

So, back to the IM I received…

First, I’m told a purchase was made, product not delivered, can a replacement be sent directly? Usually, after some polite vetting of the situation, I would do exactly this.

However, in this case, the IM was rude and obnoxious right off the bat. I was being accused of cheating this idiot. That I took his money and ‘the vendor’ never delivered the product (see above about use of vendors in my store). He demanded the product be transfered to him immediately.

I explained that the asset server was having problems, that if I tried to transfer it to him it might not work, but that I’d give it a go. I did. I asked if he received it. ‘No.’

Now, please keep in mind, I tried to remain calm and professional, but this individual was belligerent and cussing harder than a lifetime sailor. The exchange was becoming heated. I offered to refund his money. He was still cussing up a storm and demanded the product, refusing the money.

So, eventually I just gave him back his money and then I kicked him out of my sim and banned him. I don’t need money from a belligerent idiot. Unfortunately, there are too many of them out there. Are you one of them?

Here’s the most common one we get:

“Hello?” [long wait with nothing else said - please don’t start an IM with someone this way and then just wait for a response] “I bought a [insert scripted product here - such as a sex bed or dynamic throne] and it doesn’t work.”

“What is it doing when you rez it?”

“I don’t know. it doesn’t work”

“What is it doing when you rez it?”

“It’s broken, it’s not working for me.”

“What is it doing when you rez it?”

Get the effin idea? Telling me ‘it’s broken’ or ‘it doesn’t work’ isn’t saying anything. I need to know what it IS doing - even if your answer is ‘it doesn’t do anything’. So just shut-up and answer my effin question, please?

I usually end-up telling them to pick-up the bed [or whatever else it is they bought] and then I teleport them to my workshop, where I have control of the environment (scripts allowed, building objects allowed, etc.).

I tell them to rez the bed. Then I edit it and one of the following scenarios occurs:

The bed is fine. Everything is in there. I touch it and it starts loading up the scripts. After a minute or two (there’s a LOT of animations in our stuff) I click it again and low and behold, the menu appears and everything works fine.

It turns out the knucklehead didn’t read the instruction notecard that automatically is offered to them whenever they rez the product. The need to click on it to turn it on for the first time is clearly mentioned.

Or The bed is fine. They do click on it to start it up and don’t read the private owner-only messages that say the [product] ‘is starting up, please be patient’. They start clicking away and nothing happens (it’s still starting up) - so after 10-seconds of no response from the product, it’s “broken and doesn’t work”.

Or, The bed is fine. Turns out they rez the product on land that has scripts turned off (because they don’t have the right group active when they rez it, etc.)

Then there’s my favorite: remember, I sell copies of my furniture - no vendors. The working floor model is what you get a direct copy of when you buy. They are NOT boxed. When you buy it, then drag it from inventory onto the ground, the actual product appears. Start using it right away.

So when I have a complaining customer rez the product at my workshop and I look inside - it’s empty. It turns out the numb-skull had removed the contents from the product into a folder in their inventory.

YAY! Brilliant, you boob! Lets go buy a real life car and take it home and pull the engine out of it and then bitch and cuss out the manufacturer because it doesn’t work!

Even though as soon as you rez it in world a notecard is immediately and automatically offered to you that specifically says “DO NOT OPEN THIS PRODUCT AND COPY CONTENTS TO INVENTORY! Simply click once on it and wait for the scripts to load.”

This is why we, (and many others,) have a clearly posted (though no one ever seems to notice them, right?) refund/exchange policy that explicitly states there will be no refunds and no exchanges except at our discretion. (Because you might be one of the utterly boneheaded idiots that Darwin forgot to prevent in the evolution process.)

Oh, and all our stuff is on the floor in our showroom. It’s already rezzed, right there for you to look at it and review it and play with it. What more can we do to help you make sure it’s what you want? So if you buy a product - it’s yours. Don’t come asking for an exchange because it isn’t what you thought it was.

However, because we really do want to be customer-friendly, we now offer free demo versions that you can place in your home to check out how well the ‘colors match’ your drapes or whatever. [rolls-eyes].

Now, before you go accusing me of being a rude, crude business person that won’t last long, let me qualify all my rude, crude responses and comments above with this: these are the responses you will get from me when you are rude and crude.

All the world is a mirror.

In other words, you will receive what you dish out. If you are rude and crude with me, I might very likely end the conversation immediately and just kick and ban you and you’ll be stuck with whatever ‘broken’ item you have in your possession. However, if you are respectable and kind, I will be likewise.

I said I had purchased a couple items on SL Exchange during the LL Asset Server SNAFU (before it was known to be a SNAFU yet). They never arrived in inventory. Even though my email from SLX said it was delivered. So, I IM’d the creator. My message was very simple and all in one submission.

I didn’t do what most people seem to do: “Hello?”(User offline) “I bought something” (User offline) “I didn’t get it” (User offline) “Can I have another?” (User offline)) - all causing IM’s to cap, and spamming this poor guy’s email inbox with separate messages.

My entire message was typed out before I pressed the send (enter) key the first time.

My message was simple: “Hello [merchant name] - just purchased [item 1] and [item 2] from SL Exchange. They didn’t arrive - maybe asset server issues, not sure. I am hoping you could send them to me again when you have the opportunity. I apologize for creating a headache for you. :) Thank you very much! [my name]”

A simple, patient, cordial message that gets to the point of what the IM is about (missing inventory) , what I did (make a couple purchases and from where) and what I am asking for (manual replacement). Plain and simple. Now, these items are no copy. Usually, replacements are NOT given in this case. But, I didn’t accuse him of screwing anything up. I know it’s LL’s fault, not his.

I also offered an explanation and made it clear that I wasn’t sure that was actually the problem. I also apologized for bothering him with this issue. And I used a smiley face - to show that I am not all pissed off and grumpy - and that I understand ’shit happens’ in SL.

I’m not saying I personally expect incoming IM’s to me of this nature to look and be phrased this way. It’s just how I do it when I am sending an IM to a creator, asking for a replacement delivery of a missing item. But I have also have never been denied a replacement in these situations. Ever.

I find most merchants are understanding. And this one was. This morning in IM (email) I see a message that basically said ‘it shows that it was delivered, but I’ll send you new copies anyway’

SL is still borked, because when I login, all my IMs are usually still there. In this case - they weren’t. (So beware of this, everyone.) Anyway, I thanked the merchant for understanding and asked him to peek at the blog to see what happened and what I thought was the cause, since he was apparently unaware of the circus.

So, if you ever have problems or issues with the delivery of something you purchased - it’s most certainly NOT the merchant’s fault, unless it’s a vendor hiccup (offline, goofed configuration, something to this affect) - in which case, they will get you taken care of.

Except for vendor hiccups, blame Linden Lab. And then communicate politely with the merchant for a replacement. Remember, they are likely getting spammed with angry, rude, crude customers all bitching and cussing them out about the same thing.

Make yourself the one shining star that, at least, gives the impression that you understand the pain he or she is going through and be polite. Use smiley faces and tell them you understand and that there’s no hurry. And then really do try to understand.

You will likely be well taken care of - if for nothing else than being the one polite, understanding person in a sea of stupid, rude, crude, obnoxious idiots. And remember, when something like the asset server gets stupid, you aren’t the only one suffering. It’s not just the people buying things, it’s the people selling, too. And everyone else on the grid.

Oh, and as for the asshole who cussed-up a storm and got just plain stupid with me? 5-minutes after I refunded his money and kicked his sorry ass off my sim and banning him… a Linden grid-wide message came through to every resident saying (paraphrased): “Asset server issues - do NOT buy anything or rez anything especially no-copy objects! Do not perform inventory actions whatsoever.”

About 20-minutes later - emergency shut-down of the grid

I can only hope that asshole feels like… well, an asshole.

So, are YOU a nightmare customer when things aren’t working right for you?
Come, let me kick your ass off my sim and ban you from all my estates.

Posted at at 3:17 PM on Saturday, January 19, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Sh!thead whiners come out of the woodwork again

Over at SLNN, another Windlight review was dropped on their readers (this was posted a week or two ago - I read it then, but wanted to revisit this). Now, in fairness, a new First Look of windlight has been released since then, but the graphic enhancements are still the same.

However, according to the author, and many others, the new Windlight ‘look’ creates havoc (no pun intended) on Avatar appearances:

The skinny on WindLight and skin
With its physics-based, ever-changing lighting, Linden Lab’s beta WindLight viewer can produce spectacular sunsets and realistic rippling water. But some residents aren’t happy about the way it makes their avatars look.

“I appreciate how WindLight has made me look at my sim in a whole different way,” Venus Petrov said. “Unfortunately, it’s also made me see my friends in a whole different way, too.”
Specifically, Petrov said, WindLight “dirties the skin” and “creates shadows and lines that aren’t there in the regular version.”

I say deal with it. Linden Lab will not be able to satisfy everyone all the time. In truth, I;m not for or against Windlight. I could live with it or without it. I think things are fine just the way they are, but I don’t mind the other new features in it as well, such as Avatar Imposters and the like.

Being involved in 3D since 1987, I have to say that the lighting and shadowing in Windlight actually make your avatar and skin look better. Though I do think the default sky color is a bit bright, it is realistic.
The problem is in the comfort zone everyone has fallen into. Change means discomfort because we prefer things the way they are.

I say deal with it and get a ‘life’.

Posted at at 3:13 PM on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Seller beware... ?

Warning, caution, admonition, proviso, condition, stipulation, provision, clause, rider, qualification… A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
Origin: mid 16th century: from Latin, literally ‘let a person beware.’

Ceveat Emptor:
the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
Origin: early 16th century: literally ‘let the buyer beware.’
So we all know the ‘buyer beware’ rule. And it’s especially true in Second Life.
However, it’s also true for the *seller*.

We are all buyers. Even the sellers are buyers.
For example, in SL - all sellers need a place to sell from. That’s not usually an issue. You throw your stuff up on SL Exchange or and away you go. Though most will either buy land to set up shop or rent space in a mall or island.

So, even when shopping for a place to sell , buyer beware.

Don’t you just hate when the mall owners just start dropping notecards on people for no reason at all - advertising their malls in the hope you will be anything other than annoyed? Perhaps enough to even consider considering it?

It just so happens I received one of these. It also just so happens I was already in the process of considering vendor space in a few malls, even though I already own my own sim and 1/4 of it is dedicated to my own showroom.

Of course it had the usual over dramatic, overstated hoopla. I won’t mention the sim, the mall or the owner who spammed me… but even his exaggerated claims were lackluster at best. “the sim had more than 10,000 traffic last week.” Okaaaaaay. My 1/4 sim fluctuates between 8,000 and 13,000 every day. So whats so special about a whole sim doing that?

And we don’t use camping chairs or dancepads. (Full disclosure - since all this has happened, we did add a sim camper - but it’s an object camper that give prizes - and you aren’t tied to one spot.)

He told me “no campers”. I said “sell me - why should I rent space from you?”

He didn’t do a very good job. No compelling reason at all to even go look. But, I’m short on time and don’t want to make the effort of shopping, so I agreed to look around. When I landed, I was immediately unimpressed.

The ’sim’ was packed. I wondered if there were any available vendor spaces at all. But I saw camping dance pads immediately. And it was a forced landing point. So, my first thought was which vendor booth can I see from the landing point.

So he shows me a booth. There’s one right next to a very prominent, high profile retailer. I take this booth. I pay the rent (first month is free, so it was immediately refunded). It takes me a couple days to set up my temp-rez vendor (Zodiac House sells furnishings) before I can set anything out.

So I return in three days.

My booth is full of someone else’s stuff.
The rental box still has my name on it with 27 days to go.
On top of that - I check the parcel to learn that the mall owner only ‘owns’ about a 1.4 of the sim - and there’s only about 6 prims left. That with about six or seven empty vendor booths left - and no doubt, spam notecards still being distributed.

So, in a rage I Instant Message the owner - and in a someone friendlier tone, the owner of the vendors that are in my booth. To make a long story short - the mall owner had the vendor as a tenant… right where she was. Then he rearranged a bunch of booths (adding more, no doubt) - and returned all her stuff.

Before she could return her things, the owner sold me that booth. But, since I didn’t have time to place a sales box yet, the original renter returned, unknowing of my own purchased of that booth. So then I am offered to pick another empty booth and my rental box will be. On top of that, the whole parcel has a whopping sic prims available for me. I should have gotten a clue when the owner said my booth was good for “25 or 30 prims”.

Well, I just let that one pass… I left the group and such is (Second) life.
The ironic thing is that I’ve been in SL since spring 2006 (in a previous account) and have run successful businesses in the past. never had any issues with vendor space and malls, …until now.

So, even as an ‘olbie’ - I’m still learning.

Caveat emptor.

Posted at at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, January 1, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: , ,

Welcome to me!

Okay - making the big switcharoo back to blogger.

It's just easier for me. Already have and use a dozen other Google services. So, might as well just use blogger. One login and I get mail, analytics, calendar, word processor and spreadsheet (if I need it on the fly) and - well, might as well - my blog.

Though I have to say Wordpress does have a far better selection of design templates and just 'feels' smoother to use and feature's EXCERPTS (screaming aimed at Google types) which are much easier to use and don't require a f*king HACK. LOL.

Anyway, I'm back.

Posted at at 12:01 AM on by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ |   | Filed under: