How real is *real* ...?

We hear all the time about how real emotions and feeling can be in SL. Oh the drama... it wouldn't really exist if it weren't for those 'real' feelings and emotions. And that's just because of the interaction between people. Yes, some of our avatars can look pretty damned good. But that will change.

Let's face it, our representations in SL are still a bit cartoonist. Even if you have the best kick-ass video and computer hardware and have your WindLight settings cranked to maximum, as good as it all looks, there's still that 'artificial' element in there.

But computer-generated art and graphics are improving all the time. What will happen when the imagery we see on screen become so realistic, so beautiful that it literally mimics real life? Holy shit, I can see everything that happens now - real lives blossoming... and getting hurt - all happening at ten-fold more intensity.

There is a really good article at by Alan Cane that asks "will we be able to tell reality from artificial imagery?" That day is probably not too far off. Computer-generated imagery is already being used in Hollywood movies and so effective at fooling the eye that you likely could never spot it, except for some the impossible feats these characters are accomplishing.

It won't be long before places like Second Life will really be a lot more interesting; compelling than first life. Fasten your seatbelts. folks. It's going to be an interesting ride!

Read the full article here.

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