"Second Skin" Movie Opens Eyes.

"...I had heard of colossal time wasting games like “World of Warcraft,” and “Everquest” as well as the virtual worlds “Second Life” and “Sims” where people can create a character in a utopian fantasy world and spend countless hours posted in front of their computers armed with a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew, a Hot Pocket and a waistline growing as fast as their logged hours played. But hey, to each their own and as several people in “Second Skin” say, we all have our little time wasting addictions and online gaming is theirs."
This is the quote from a movie review, about "Second Skin". Apparently a documentary about people who spend much of their time in MMORPGs and Virtual Worlds. It reminds me of the recent BBC special, where they followed two separate couples (couples in SL) who met in real life.

I thought the BBC did a pretty balanced job of it, showing one couple blissfully happy and the other... well, it was balanced. As for "Second Skin", I really don't know much about it. As for the review of Second Skin, well - it's a review... by a critic.

I have no interest in seeing it. If it shows up on YouTube or something, sure I'll peek. But other than that, I'm really not too interested. So, as for the quote above... agree or disagree?

Full article here:
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
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  1. Amanda Martin Monday, March 10, 2008 at 11:39:00 AM PDT

    I agree with the quote, at least. :)

  2. Amanda Martin Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 5:07:00 PM PDT

    However... I just finally read the review and it's amateur at best. :D