Second Life and inevitable Real Life?

Cool Builds
Brian Dipert over at EDN has a great article about how Second Life [and other virtual worlds] will become more and more real as time goes on. The point being the it only looks feels the way it does right now due to technology constraints, that are improving exponentially.

Now, his column is only about Second Life or the technology behind it at all. It's actually a very good read and has to do with his predictions for the not-too-distant future.

Here's an excerpt:

"Human beings, like many if not all creatures, seem to have a natural compulsion to intoxicate themselves in striving to escape the un-pleasurable aspects of real life and instead flee (albeit temporarily) to a seemingly 'better' alternative. We cling to what feels good, and we push away what feels bad...not realizing, as we do so, that this grasping and aversion is at the root of our suffering...but I digress. Yes, I'm taking you down a blue pill/red pill Matrix scenario here."
Additionally, posted a great talkback to the article (excerpt:)

"First you say that you haven't logged in Second Life for a year and then you say you are following virtual worlds scene: You cannot follow snowboarding from a sea shore. But never mind that.... Yes, there is a possibility to abuse virtual environments as an escape from reality. But, isn't it strange to think about abuses first? I am not saying that SL is not a nice escape from the reality. But there is so much else."

I think it's a great read and very interesting. And Dandellions response also is quite thought-provoking.
Pop over there at this link:

Second Life: Inevitable, Eventual 'Real' Life? - Brian's Brain - Blog on EDN
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