New Location(s)

New blog locations in two flavors:

Common Sensible
Second Life observations in a rather blunt manner.

Socially Mundane: Similar observations in a highly-opinionated way. Warning: a bit sharp around the edges. Hope you don't find yourself within my sights.

Posted at at 6:52 AM on Monday, October 6, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under:

Rebranding - a Fact of [busness] Life Last post here... maybe. Let me know if I should continue, or move-on.

Your2ndPlace has a short article about SL Realtor rebranding itself into 'MetaRealtors". In fact, here's a quote from the press release; from Your2ndPlace: is pleased to announce they are re-branding as “While some look at Linden Lab’s new copyright restrictions as interference with their businesses, we view it as an opportunity to not only re-brand ourselves but examine the potential to expand in to other virtual worlds.” said Hel Christensen, Chairman.

Posted at at 3:19 PM on Monday, April 21, 2008 by Posted by Ari Blackthorne™ | 0 comments   | Filed under: